Did you know your tonsils are your body’s first line of defense against infections, viruses and disease?

I am tired of hearing that you need chemicals, injections, and a bunch of compounds combined and put in your body in order to survive today.
Now, first of all, most of us are well aware of the money behind some of these big organizations pushing these tactics on us, running the media and brainwashing us to thinking humans will not survive without their “products”
For thousands of years, we have survived and even with fewer illnesses than we deal with today. Back in the day most of the diseases were from poor hygiene and poor sanitation. People would go weeks or months without even a shower or cleaning themselves. Once proper hygiene and sanitation were introduced, many of the diseases were pretty much eradicated.
Sicknesses now are in different forms; cancer, auto-immune diseases, autism, Alzheimer’s, obesity and so many more, so though we have made some pretty incredible scientific and medical advancements, we still have one of the sickest generations known to mankind.
Going back to our roots a little bit, did you know that your tonsils are your body’s natural first defense against infections, virus, and disease? Your tonsils absorb the particles that go into your mouth (like most viruses) and it signals to your body to create the antibodies it needs to fight this illness off. So essentially, your tonsils are a form of natural immunization, telling your body what chemicals to create to build immunity and fight it off. 
Sadly, with our poor diet, high chemicals in our food, fluoridated water, and toxic air, the tonsils are mostly in overdrive, at which point many people just have them removed instead of cleansing and detoxing to restore their function. 
Removing the tonsils, though I know many have already, is removing your body’s first line of defense out of your body. Therefore putting more pressure on the other organs and defense mechanisms.
No need to worry too much if you had the removed, but know it is essential to eat organic foods as much as possible, get ready to start growing your own foods in your backyards or little pots around the window panes, get a water filtration system installed in your tap, or an alkalizing water system. Keep your vitamins (especially A, D & C up) and incorporate more herbs and plants into your digestion, which can help restore functions to your body and cleanse. Herbs I love for this are Burdock Root, Dandelion, Milk Thistle, and Red Clover.
This is the best way to fight off any virus while maintaining health for the long term.