Take Control of Your Health with Herbal Remedies Made at Home

Why You Should Heal Yourself with Herbal Remedies

Hey you! It’s time to consider restoring your health with homemade herbal remedies. As a herbalist I love filling you to the brim with practical tools and empowering you to take control of your health and wellness.

Let me ask you this.

When was the last time you had a lingering headache that wouldn’t leave? 

What about gastro-intestinal pain that knocked you off your feet – longer than you could afford? 

And how about the inflammation making your day to day tasks unbearable? Even though you’ve done everything the doctor ordered. 

It’s heart-wrenching to witness people in pain and waiting for months to see a doctor or specialist. 

But you don’t have to accept that as your only option you can learn to treat and prevent sickness and disease for yourself and the ones you love — instead of making the doctor’s office your first stop.

If there’s anything you take away from this, it’s that you have all the power within you to live a healthy, joyful, fulfilling life.

You have an alternative, you can take your health and healing into your own hands. You  don’t have to be fully dependent on a doctor.

And you certainly don’t have to put your health in the hands of a doctor that doesn’t have the time to really listen and then tell you, you only have 15minutes left.

Start Making Herbal Remedies at Home

How empowered would you feel, if you could walk into your kitchen and craft the perfect mixture of medicinal herbs? 

Herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years and eighty percent of the world solely depends on herbal extractions to relieve pain, treat illness and restore health. 

Herbal medicine was the original medicine — it’s not alternative medicine.

Are you ready to fuel your inner healer? You’ll love how empowered you’d feel when you discover the abundance of knowledge that’ll lead you to take control of your health.  

I created the Alchemist Starter System as a comprehensive guide to teach you how to heal yourself.

And to teach you it’s possible to restore your body to its optimal potential with herbs. 

Boost Your Quality of Life with Herbal Remedies 

You can regain your strength, and increase your quality of life. You can flourish in mind, body and spirit. Your body’s a system because when you learn to heal one part, everything else falls into place. 

I’m sure you know someone who’s fallen victim to the systemic problems in healthcare. You know, like when your small illness becomes chronic and wreaks havoc on your quality of life.

It’s frustrating when your health is not prioritized by a physician. And you don’t deserve to be dismissed, ignored and devalued during your most vulnerable moments. 

Let’s look at emergency rooms, for example, the organizational chaos and lack of empathy are disheartening. You wait for hours to see a doctor, but once you see a doctor, the disconnect can leave you feeling like you never want to go back. 

And to make things worse, when you do see a doctor (after you’ve spent half of your day waiting in a cold, stale room) you’re sent home and told to let the pain pass. 

Or after you’ve listed off all your problems and symptoms, you walk out with a list of prescriptions- for each one of your symptoms.

Choose Herbal Remedies First

Prescription medications are expensive and the long list of side effects they come with– will need another medication… with more side effects. 

Unfortunately over-the-counter and prescription medication are just a band-aid. 

This never-ending cycle of going to the doctor, getting a prescription to heal a symptom only having to go back to the doctor, to get another prescription for a new symptom is exhausting. 

Get to the Root of Your Problem

Are you really healing yourself if you treat one part of your body, but come out with a list of other problems? 

If you haven’t had success with the traditional healthcare system, it’s time to consider getting to the root of your pain and illness.

Stop waiting for systems to change their policies in order to make room for you, take it into your hands.

Learn to heal your pain with medicinal herbs that have been used for centuries. Your health is not a bargaining chip.  

Herbal medicines are potent and although they are a lot safer than pharmaceutical drugs, it’s best to be guided to ensure you’re receiving the maximum benefit. 

The Alchemist Starter System enriches you with the knowledge, and skills to get rid of your chronic pain and illness for good.

You don’t want to focus solely on masking your symptoms, you want to get to the root cause of your pain and illness. 

Herbal Remedies are Powerful

In the Alchemist Starter System, you’ll be equipped with techniques to easily create and incorporate natural remedies into your daily routine. You’ll be confident to treat and prevent many common and debilitating ailments, you’ll find: 

  • Herbal remedies for anxiety
  • Herbal remedies for constipation
  • Herbal remedies for headaches
  • Herbal remedies for UTIs
  • Herbal remedies for acid reflux 

Herbal remedies are powerful and effective and their side effects are rare. I’d love to help you learn how to create effective natural remedies confidently – and conveniently. 

We can find therapeutic properties in the roots, flowers, seeds, bark or stems. They can be applied topically or taken internally. Its healing properties can come in the form of a tincture or capsule or it can be boiled and simmered and drunk as tea.

Modern medicine prioritizes quick, general responses and dismisses the sustainable solutions herbal medicine brings. But, they also recognize that many of the active ingredients in prescription and over-the-counter medications originated from herbal extracts.

Focus on the root of your pain or illness, without adding on to it. You probably already have some of these in your kitchen. And if you don’t, you can add them to your cart on your next trip to the grocery store or health food store. 

See you soon!

Tania xo