You look just as beautiful everyday…

To ourselves we may see every imperfection on a daily basis. Whether our makeup looks different today, or our hair just wouldn’t sit well. We tend to notice the daily flaws that others never recognize.

I have among the most beautiful friends and family, yet I am saddened to see the amount of insecurities they portray. Rather than focusing on the many amazing qualities they hold, they focus on the tiny imperfections, I find stunning.  They focus on the little things they can change about themselves physically, whether its lips, nose, face or wrinkles etc.

I am opposed to any cosmetic surgery (unless due to injury or particular exceptions) but I put full emphasis on nurturing the assets we have and focusing on the emotional and psychological reason for our insecurities. It usually stems from childhood or challenges we have faced throughout our upbringing that have embedded a particular uncertainty about ourselves.

When we are feeling down or facing a short fall in life, we tend to spiral into the same thought process of thinking “I am not good enough” or “If I can look better, this will happen”. We let the habitual thought process we have self-built bring us down. We made it habit.

But why is it when we feel confident, we don’t think about changing anything about ourselves physically.  When we are happy, we are grateful for all that we have and likely wouldn’t change a thing unless it’s genuinely benefitting us.

The mind is a very tricky thing, but don’t let it fool you. You can train the mind and thoughts to start going towards a positive outlook every time the habitual self-defeated pattern starts to make its way in. You can create a new habit of complimenting yourself, reacting positively and seeing the many attributes you portray.

A great book that helped stem further understanding is called “How to lose your mind and create a new one” By Joe Dispenza.

You deserve to be happy and accepting of your full self and seeing the same beautiful person everyone else sees.