5 Ways to Stimulate your Vagus nerve for improved Mental Health

The vagus nerve is considered the longest nerve in the body which connects the brain to to other organs of the body including the heart, brain and gut.
The vagus nerve impacts your breathing, your heart and your digestive system which has an overall effect on your mental health.
Improved vagus nerve function can help your body handle stress better and more quickly relax after stressful situations. 
5 Ways to Stimulate the Vagus nerve is;
1. Cold Exposure – Being exposed to cold can help activate the vagus nerve function. Whether it is standing outside in the cold for a minute, taking a cold shower or bath or even putting your face in ice-cold water.
2. Prayer & Meditation – Prayer & Meditation slows down breathing and introduce positive energy,  which helps stimulate the vagus nerve and promote good feelings and gratitude.
3. Laughing – Laughing is the most natural way to regulate your stress hormones and improve the vagus nerve function, which helps lower stress and build resilience.
4. Herbs – There are many herbs that help balance, restore and even stimulate the vagus nerve including Valerian, Lemon Balm. Licorice root, Ashwagandha and Burdock root.   

5. Being Active – Being active is ideal for your brain health and helps improve cognitive function, which in turn helps improve your overall mental health. 
Which of these are you going to try to implement more of?