How to Fight off Sinus Infection Naturally…

This past week I came down with a pretty bad sinus infection. I haven’t had one of those in years, but it seems like this year, the sicknesses have increased that’s for sure.
Since I am a huge advocate for holistic healing, my first choice is to avoid conventional antibiotics for a sinus infection, for multiple reasons.
First off, when taking antibiotics, the body creates an immunity and resistance to it, each time you take it, meaning the antibiotics can be less effective the more you take it. So I personally prefer to save the antibiotics for if I ever have a serious infection or sickness, I want the antibiotics to really work and help fight off whatever I need it to at that time.
Secondly, antibiotics kill both bad and good bacteria, not able to differentiate between the two. This means the microbiome suffers a lot after the use of antibiotics and you need to work extra hard, including increased probiotics to bring the gut flora back to a healthier state.
Thirdly, I find there are many great natural options, that are just as effective and which I successfully used and implemented in the last week, that helped fight the infection, relieve the pressure in my face and head, while also allowing proper drainage and circulation.

This natural treatment included;
Oil of Oregano
– I took 2 drops in a cup of water and drank it daily, while also doing two 10 minute steam inhalations, once in the morning and once in the evening.
I also took Colloidal silver. For those of you who may not know, Colloidal silver is essentially a natural antibiotic and can be used much the same way as conventional antibiotics (Ask your grandparents about it, they likely know exactly what it is) I took a small amount orally, put a few drops into my nose, and a few drops into my ears before bed. I repeated this a few times daily for a few days.
Thirdly, I did a sinus massage to help proper drainage and relieve pressure. You can find a quick video on Youtube on how to do a self sinus massage, moving from your head, eyes, face and jaw. This helps incredibly to relieve the pressure and allow better circulation and drainage. 
Lastly, I drank a combination tea of Hyssop & Elderflower, which helped with the congestion, improve circulation and proper perspiration. 

Would love to hear some natural tips you’ve tried successfully for sinus infections?