Finding my purpose…

How did I find what it is I was so passionate about? How did I figure out what I truly wanted to do?

So many similar questions and even myself a few years ago, wouldn’t know what my purpose is. I am finally just unravelling it now.

I got to the point many of us do. Routine job. Routine life. Routine everything, yet I didn’t feel fulfilled in my day to day life and work. I felt stagnant. I felt like I was meant to do more, use my strengths and talents to do so much more. The issue was, I barely knew what my strengths and talents were. I had no idea where to start or even look.

I was reading and researching different books on finding yourself and on finding your purpose and your true passion. There were so many different views and insights to share and learn yet I still felt like I fell short.

A few months later, I came across a video that stood out to me. The video happened to be about finding your purpose, and when an instructor was asked how he found his purpose, his simple words stuck with me; “What is it that you find yourself talking about the most? What topic of conversation can you talk about for hours and makes you excited?”

That’s not the moment I realized my purpose, but it was the moment I realized I had just gotten a step closer, because I knew what I was looking for. Over the next little while, I kept asking myself these same two questions to see what I would start noticing. What did I find myself talking about the most? What topic of conversation am I the most excited about and can talk about for hours?

The first thing I noticed, was my innate passion for Nature. In that moment it told me I needed to meditate and pray. Having no idea what I was going to find, every single day for one week straight, I drove to the same place by the water, sat down, put my headphones on and meditated using a simple app, which taught me so much when I needed it the most to just ground myself.

I finally understood what it meant to be present. I finally understood how meditation and prayer helped me slow down my thoughts and snowball effects while quieting my mind just long enough to start hearing the voice within me a little bit more clearly.

I should add that this happened right around the time my mother’s health was diminishing rather quickly, including mentally. I felt like I was losing and grieving my mother while she was still alive. I felt broken, I felt lost, I felt helpless, insecure, angry, confused and so many more emotions.

I needed to grasp my emotions and gather my life to be able to cope with everyday life which pushed me to be consistent for that week and allow myself the time to truly just be…

It didn’t happen over night, it didn’t happen over a week either. But after a few weeks of this mindful practice by nature, I started to become motivated and know I wanted to keep meditating and being by nature until the answer would come to me on what my next steps should be to finding my purpose and true passion.

I started creating my self-fulfilling prophecy by living day at a time taking baby steps towards the end goal. Within a short period of time, I started realizing my passion and what I spoke about the most was natural remedies, natures beauties, natures bountiful resources and words of positivity and motivation. I was even looking for ways to naturally help my mother get better without using excessive medication. I soon realized many of those around me felt uplifted and better after being talking and spending time with me. I thought… this serves for something right?

I began my journey with books upon books, from building a business from scratch, to learning all form of herbs for physical and mental recovery.

Everything is now starting to align, and my purpose of helping others feel their best mentally and physically while using natural remedies is slowly manifesting itself to be something great. This is only the beginning, but I know I am living and doing what I am truly passionate about. I am fulfilling my purpose slowly but surely.

I believe in finding your purpose. I believe in allowing yourself and mind enough quiet time and alone time to find it. Don’t be scared because it’s the best feeling in the world.

Ask me any questions and I would love to hear about your passion and purpose and how you found it.