The Land is One Organism

While enjoying my tea this morning I couldn’t help but get lost in a National Geographic’s collection book from November 1981. Reading through the pages I came across and really admired this one quote;

“Harmony with land is like harmony with a friend; you cannot cherish his right hand and chop off his left… You cannot love game and hate predators… The land is one organism.”

Core knowledge and value of how important it is for us to work in harmony with Mother Nature is so easily forgotten and lost today, yet without Mother Nature we wouldn’t survive…

I had the privilege of inheriting a National Geographic’s collection with volumes dating between 1976-2000, and I am beyond belief of the amount of information available, yet I still have much more to read and learn. There was one thing that did stand out for me, and that’s with regards to the damage we have created on our circle of life between then and now.

Reading these pages from that many years ago, with documents stating the condition our lands and animals habitat can turn out to be if precaution isn’t taken is alarming…. Meanwhile that exactly is happening today in 2018 which is both surprising and saddening because if they knew all of that from 40+ years ago, why isn’t it in a better state today?

We need Mother Nature more than Mother Nature needs us and we need to be more patient and appreciative with her for our own survival.

I try to spend a decent amount of time in nature and because of that my appreciation for the great outdoors naturally keeps growing. It feels revitalizing for all my senses and it motivates me to promote that lifestyle to others as well. It truly has so many benefits for yourself while nourishing a more profound connection with mother earth.  

With this appreciation instilled within each of us, we can help shape a better tomorrow for us, for the survival of our children and for our children’s children.